She Slept While Babies Were Being Bombed, pencil & ballpoint pen & marker drawing, 2007, 7.25 X 10.25 inches

Here lives the desires eternal….Emotions, the symbiotic foundation to the growing soul and well-being of humans here and yet everywhere here is worshiped the transient lusts of the mind and skin, baubles and gizmos galore bring Bathos {ludicrous descent from the elevated to the commonplace}, Mesmerization and Delight to the Stone Age man of 1999 obsessed with delusions, powerless are We to create the Joys, Wonders and Beauties  of our Hearts, dependent forever upon the transient passings of gewgaws and gizmos through our fingers to stimulate a materialistic reason for existence….Never can the sentient, innate, native, aboriginal Emotion exist for the betterment of any involved….Trust not the inner Dream, trust not the wanderings of the Mind, of the Imagination, of the Curiosities, of the Emotions of the Desires and Diversity of the Kind Heart, for these things are but Carnal Lusts and Vagarities of primitive man….So spews the Religious Potentates on their High Horse Muck Amuck Bigwig Beliefs, inculcate  and clone and conform to the Word as We who have all knowledge you Ought to Know, get your Dreams down on their knees and pray they never leave the steepled realms of Our Righteousness….You the disbeliever, Kiss your Ever-lovin’ imagination, disposition, desires and behinds goodbye, for We are the Word and We are the Holy Lies on High and your Future’s fruition, grand and yearning, is Damned to Hell by Our Loving God and We are the Teeth of the Inquisition and the Rope of the Gallows and the Sheen of the Guillotine, pristine be Our condemnation of the innocent man, woman and child, Godless, Fearless, Bible-less, Belief-less to Our Do or Die offerances of threats of Death, of Hell, of God and Fear will be Our Way….We own all Beliefs worth believing, We own all Answers worth having, We own all Questions worth asking, We are your Church, We are your Future, We are your Fates, We are your Father and We are your Country and We are All Knowing your existence does not transcend our wants worthy of want, We believe you not until Death to Belief do you Impart upon others, in Wars of color, of belief, of uniform, un-conformed and unbecoming of our Cherished Race us the Chosen Ones….Then maybe Our Father God in Washington will accept you as one of his own….Trust not the inclinations of the sentient soul eternal, bow down and salute the marriage and perpetual view of Church and State foundation to Futures and Fates forever is Ignorance Bliss and you who travel tethered to steeples, weapons and murderous reasons all else and everyone else ought be in Hell in War in Satan you’ll slither, you’ll whither, you’ll crawl upon Our Mighty Cross Encrusted Cause Red, White and Blue journeys to Heaven upon Crimson colored knees, upon Crimson colored paths, upon Crimson colored teeth you chew the victims of your Belief….